343 Industries has ruined Halo’s multikill medals

In the original Halo games by Bungie, Halo's multikills always had a 4-second window between each kill. In Halo 4, 343 Industries upped it to 4.5 seconds, and then once again to 5 seconds in Halo 5. They kept it at 5 seconds for Halo Infinite, but increased the window by .25 seconds with every kill, with a hard cap of 7 seconds at the top, making it easier than before to earn multikill medals. This change means that after a player earns a Killpocalypse (killing 9 players in quick succession), they're now given a total of 7 seconds to get a Killionaire, which is the highest earnable multikill medal (10 kills in quick succession). This is enough time…

Sprint has ruined Halo’s sticky grenade play

Sprint has hurt a core feature of Halo's gameplay; sticky grenades. It's why there's been a decrease in strategic sticks and stick montages after H3, players are spending too much time in guns down sprinting from point A to B unlike original Halo which was all about engagement. Originally, players would always look around the map when traversing, ready to make full use of their arsenal at any moment, but with the introduction of sprint the primary focus of the player has shifted from engagement to sprinting from point A to B and then looking to engage. Most players always sprint when not in battle because they see speed as a superpower. Being able to freely look around whilst…